Thursday, 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas! (And a happy new year.)

Merry Christmas Eden Rowing! 

Next week we are at the school Monday 30th, Tuesday 31st and Thursday 2nd, 7:30-9:00am for Christmas break training. It has been really encouraging to see the turnout over the break. We are back to our regularly scheduled times after the break.

A reminder that $25 payable to Eden High School is due ASAP for the Brock Rowing Tank! Money can be given directly to me, or left in the office. There may be some changes in the schedule due to competition conflicts, I will post these changes as soon as they are confirmed. 

Coming up we will have some optional spirit wear available. We will also get the ball rolling on our Rudernkrieg Indoor Rowing Competition which in the past has created some great revenue for the program; I have a solid group of volunteers, but more the merrier!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Christmas Break Training

We will be having training sessions over the Christmas break. It is recommended to come out for at least 3 sessions, but you are more than welcome to come out for all 6 days. We will be having guest athletes here training for University and even National Team programs. It will be a great opportunity to train beside world class athletes.

We will hold training sessions at the school 7:30-9:00am Mon December 23, Tues 24, Thur 26, Mon 30, Tues 31, Thur January 2.

Over the break, try to continue to get some training in 5 days a week. There are some great video resources in the video section of the blog. We do not want to lose progress while school is out. Get out and shovel your parent's driveway! 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Brock Rowing Centre Details

Hi all,

I received the invoice from Brock yesterday for the rowing centre. I have 10 sessions during the Saturday 8:00am-9:30am shift booked for the entire program starting January 11. There are only 25 athletes permitted in the facility at a time, so we will alternate weeks.

The cost is $25 per athlete. I need cheques payable to Eden High School by Thursday Dec. 19. If you could write 'Rowing' in the memo line, it would help out our secretary.

Junior Women and Senior Men (+ Colleen.) will be at "The Tank" January 11, 25, February 8, 22, March 8.

Junior Men and Senior Women will be at The Tank, January 18, February 1, 15, March 1, 15.

Directions to the Tank:,-79.251522&hl=en&geocode=&sll=43.12011,-79.25153&sspn=0.009116,0.013154&vpsrc=0&g=walker+complex+brock+university&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=16&ie=UTF8&ll=43.120313,-79.25153&spn=0.009053,0.013154&t=m&z=16&iwloc=ddw1

I am still waiting for Athlete Profile Sheets from, but not limited to: Maddy, Ethan, Colleen, Claudette, Kennedy, Lauren G. If you have not done so, please get those to me ASAP. Extra copies are in the office.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Brock Tank

Just and important reminder! We start Brock tank January 11th unless otherwise specified.

There was a bit of a mix up. When Brock tank is confirmed we will have to have payments in and there will be a letter/email home.

I hope there isn't too much confusion.

-Mr. Ducroix

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Brock Rowing Tank

I'm in the middle of booking up some sessions for the Brock Rowing Tank.

It looks like we will have the Saturday 8:00-9:30am shift booked for the beginning of the new year. I am booking 10 sessions for the entire program, and we will alternate crews each week. That means athletes will be expected to be available for a shift every other week. I have not been invoiced for this yet, so the cost is still to be determined, but it looks as though it may be cheaper than the original $40 estimated cost. I will send home information on costs and directions and schedule once this all gets finalized.

I am still waiting on some Athlete profile Sheets, once I get these in I can e-mail important information. I need these in ASAP! To run the program I want to, I need to have contact with the parents of our athletes. This weekend I will put together my mailing list, and get in touch. Please tell your friends.