Thursday, 26 February 2015

Ridley's Ontario Ergometer Championship (UPDATED)

Hi all,

Athletes should be at Ridley at least 1 hour before race time. You will need to register and weigh in before racing. Get some rest tonight and eat well and hydrate!

If there are any issues with the schedule, please let me know ASAP.

8:00 a.m. (Heat 1of 2 heats)
Mike D.
Matt F.

8:15 a.m. (Heat 2 of 2 heats) 
Justus E.
Steve R.

8:30 a.m. (Heat 1 of 2 heats) PLUS SOME AT 8:15
Cassie C.

8:45 a.m. (Heat 2 of 2 heats)
Grayson R.

9:35 a.m. (Heat 3 of 5 heats)
Josh McM.
Jake M.
Josh M.

9:50 a.m. (Heat 4 of 5 heats)
Connor R.
Thomas S.

11:25 a.m. (Heat 3 of 5 heats) 
Sarah H.
Grace J.
Rebecca K.

12:10 p.m (Heat 1 of 2 heats)
Heidi D.

SR H.S. 150# MEN 
12:55 p.m. (Heat 1 of 2 heats) 
George L.

1:10 p.m. (Heat 2 of 2 heats)
Mike S.

SR. H. S. 165# MEN 
1:30 p.m . (Heat 1 of 2 heats)
Mike N.

SR. H. S. LWT WOMEN (135 lbs & under)
2:15 p.m. (Heat 2 of 3 heats)
Jill K.
Belinda H.

SR 135# WOMEN & SR 145# WOMEN
2:30 p.m. (Heat 3 of 3 heats of Sr 135#) 
Carli W.  (I have e-mailed the event to get this changed.... Carli, I will e-mail you tonight.) 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Post Rudernkrieg

Hi All,

Thank you to all who helped out this weekend!

We are proud of all who came out with their best to compete. An extra big congratulations to the following who placed in the top 5 of their respective categories:

Event 2 - Jr Men 150 lb
4th Joshua M. 7:07.0
5th Jake M. 7:17.0

Events 3 - Jr W145 lb
1st Alison R. 8:17.8

Event 5 - Jr Women Open
3rd Cassie C. 8:11.9

Event 6 - Jr Men Open
4th Justus E. 7:25.2
5th Michael D. 7:28.0

Events 8 -  Sr M 150 lb
4th George L. 7:27.4

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." 
    - Booker T. Washington

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Rudernkrieg Draw

Hi all,

The preliminary draw is out for our event on Saturday February 14th.

It shouldn't be too long of a day as we are looking at wrapping up the last event by 11:30AM. Clean up might take us until 2:00PM

I will see you all on Friday and come up with final plans for the day of the races. You should count on being there from 7:00AM-2:00PM

Our athletes' draw looks as follows:

8:30 - Jr. W 135 heat 1
Grace C.
Heidi D.
Ashley H.
Sarah H.
Grace J. 
Rebecca K.
Mike S. (Sr. M 150)

8:45 - Jr. W 135 heat 2
Steph L.
Charlotte R.
Ella T. 
Carlie W.

9:15 - Jr. M 150 heat 2
Josh M.
Jake M.
Brent S.
Mike H.
Connor R.

9:30 - Jr. W 145
Alison R.

9:30 - Jr. M 165
Connor R.
Thomas S.
Mike D.

9:45 - Jr. W 
Casey B.
Cassie C.
Gayson R.
Eve B.

10:00 - Jr. M
Michael D.
Justus E.
Matt F.
Steve R.

10:15 - Sr. W 135
Belinda H.
Jill K.

10:30 - Sr. M 150
Mack B.
George L.

10:45 - Sr. M 165
Mike N.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Eden's Rudernkrieg Fundraiser/Competition

Hi all, 

Saturday February 14th is our indoor rowing competition known as Rudernkrieg.

We NEED all of your help running the event. Money from this event pays for the equipment necessary to run the program. Athletes should expect to be there from 7am to 3pm.

More information is to come as we get closer. Please talk to your coaches if you need any more information. 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Denis Morris' Sprints Results

We had a great day at the DM Sprints. We are proud of all of you who came out and gave it your best!!

Top 10 results are as follows:

Jr. Men 140lb
#1 Josh M.

Coxie 100lb
#2 Brent S.

Jr. Women 130lb
#9 Heidi D.

Jr. Men 155lb
#4 Thomas S.

Jr. Men Open
#1 Steve R.

Sr. Men Open
#1 Mike N.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Denis Morris Novice Sprints *Updated

Hi Novices,

   The Denis Morris Novice Sprints are on Saturday February 7th! We are looking forward to getting our competitive spirit in to gear.

   We would like to see you all one hour before your race time. Try to wear some Eden gear if you have it. Parking is available across from the school. Make sure to have a healthy breakfast and drink lots of water. 

Draws are as follows:

7:45 - Early Racers
Justus Elliott (Arrive at 7:15AM)
Steve Rost
Josh MacMillan

8:15 Jr. Women 115lb - Heat 2
Stephanie Larmet (Arrive at 7:30AM)

8:30 Jr. Men 140lb - Heat 1
Josh MacMillan
Alex Riley

8:45 Jr. Men 140lb - Heat 2
Connor Rollo

9:15 Jr. Men 140lb - Heat 4
Mitch Hunter
Nick Stricko

9:30 Coxie 100lb
Michael Horton

9:45 Jr. Women 130lb - Heat 1
Ashley Haine
Charlotte Reschke
Ella Taylor

10:00 Jr. Women 130lb - Heat 2
Grace Coveney
Heidi Doppenberg

10:45 Jr. Men 155lb
Thomas Sawada

12:00 Jr. Women Open - Heat 1
Casey Botbyl

1:10 Sr. Men Open
Mike Nolan

Good Luck Everyone!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Welcome to the Eden Rowing Blog 2015!

Back by popular demand, is the Eden Rowing Blog! I will be posting important information here for quick references. You can follow by e-mail or link the blog to social media by clicking the links to the right of the page. I'm sure there is also a way to link the blog on your smartphone.

   Please let your parents know about the blog, it is just as much for them as it is for the athletes.

   Because this is the first post, there is lots of important information to get through. In the future I will post important information here as it comes.

   Topics below:

      1. Quick Introduction to the program. (Including Schedule and Fees.)
      2. Brock Rowing Tank.
      3. Denis Morris Novice Sprints.
      4. Eden's Rudernkrieg Fundraiser. (IMPORTANT)

1. Introduction


 This year the program is being led by Mr. Mike Thompson - Our school contact is Janet Elliot - Assistant coaches currently include: Brian Elliot, Casey Lehtovaara, Meredeth Petrychanko, and myself, Dan Ducroix. 

Fees *Fees are subject to change beyond our ability.
  • Brock Tank: $30. (Due now.) (More information below.)
  • Denis Morris Novice Sprints: $15. (Due now.) (More information below.)
  • Ontario Erg Championship: $15. (Due mid February.) (More information to come.)
  • Uniform: $?-80 (Due March.)
  • Rowing Fees: $375. (Due March.)


   Monthly hard copy of schedule are given to athletes. Please keep to date with schedule changes by taking to your coach.

Major dates:
Feb 7
DM Novice SprintsDenis Morris High School, St. Catharines
Feb 14
Rudernkreig Indoor Rowing Competition
Eden High School, St. Catharines
Feb 28
Ontario Indoor Rowing Championship
Ridley College, St. Catharines
Mar 11
SCRC swim test
Kiwanis Centre, St. Catharines
Apr 26
Early Bird
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
May 9
Tag Day
St. Catharines
May 11
Mother's Day
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
May 15-17
Stotesbury Cup
Philadelphia, PA
May 16-17
High School Invitational
May 30
Sam and Doug Wells Invitational
June 5-7
CSSRA Championships
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines

2. Brock Rowing Tank (Feb 5th.)

   We will be holding practice at the Brock Rowing Tank starting this Thursday February 5th at 3:30PM. We will be there every Thursday until April 2nd. Please confirm with your coaches each week to make sure that we will in fact be holding practice at Brock. Carpooling is very encouraged. Cost is $30 for the season and due now. Cheques can be made payable to Eden Secondary School. Please bring cheques to Mrs. Elliot.

3. Denis Morris High School Novice Sprints (Feb 7th.)

   Our novices (novi.) will be competing at the Denis Morris Novice Sprints on Saturday February 7th. Cost is $15 and due now. If you can not make the competition please talk to you coach as soon as possible. Cheques can be made payable to Eden Secondary School. Please bring cheques to Mrs. Elliot. More information including Schedule will be posted here as I get it. (No later than Friday.)

4. Eden's Rudernkrieg Fundraiser (Feb 14th.)

   We will once again be hosting the annual Rudernkrieg Indoor Rowing Competition. This is our biggest fundraiser and proceeds go towards buying major equipment such as boats and oars for the school. Last year we hosted 9 schools and over 300 athletes from across Niagara. 
   WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need athletes and parents to help with running this event. All athletes have mandatory volunteer time and are expected to be at the school any time from 6:30AM to 4:00PM. (schedules for racing and volunteering will be posted closer to event.) Parents who are able to work registration and consession stands or other various jobs can contact Janet Elliot at

We are looking forward to a great season. If things are unclear, please talk to your coach.