Thursday 14 February 2013

Ontario Ergometer Championships-Save the Date

This is the link for the main site in regards to the Ontarion Ergometer Championships:

Your coaches will register you, so do not try to register yourselves! The information is as follows:
Date: Saturday, March 2, 2013
Where: Ridley College Field House (Gymnasium), St. Catharines, ON
Distance: 2000m

Your wonderful coaches will be creating a workout schedule that will prepare you for this event, in order to achieve your optimal performance. It is imperative that you continue to give your best efforts and remain diligent with your attendance, as the program that is in place cannot be successful without your cooperation.

Set for yourselves a Target Race Pace (TRP) that you want to achieve for this event and work toward that during your next couple of weeks of practice. Let your coaches know your goals and we will do our best to help you achieve those.

Have a wonderful Family Day weekend and we will have next week's workouts posted before your return Tuesday.

Eden Coaching Staff

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