Friday 17 January 2014

Going in to Exam Week

Hey Crew,

   We're heading in to exam week. There will be no structured training sessions for most of you, but it is important to keep up with training. Working out has been proven to relieve stress and improve test scores! (Well worth an hour of your day.) At the end of this post I will provide a few simple workouts to do at the school on your own time, or at home. There are also some great workouts in our 'Video Resources' section of the blog. We are heading in to erg competition season, so keep yourself motivated with that! We will still do a Brock Tank sessions with the Jr. Women Saturday January 25th, 8-9:30am. We will be back to normal January 30th.

   Our novices will be heading over to Ridley College for a little friendly competition on Wednesday February 5th. We will get out of school a bit early and take a bus over to their rowing facility to race 1500m. Parents will have to pick up their athletes at Ridley. More information to come as that develops.

   I had previously not planned it, but I would like to have a group of athletes attend the DM Erg Competition on Saturday February 8th. It is a 1500m race and will be a great start to erg competition season. Cost will most likely be $15. There is little information on this event at this time,  but make a note of it on your calendar. I will fill in the details as I find out more.

   Your coaches and I are very excited about the work and progress our athletes are making. Let's keep up the good work, and make those efforts towards self improvement!

EXAM WORKOUTS (Check the 'Video Resources' section for Pilates and Yoga workouts.)

Calisthenics (Do 4-6 circuits.)
10 minute run/row/bike
15 x Leg Raises
15 x Squats (Touch floor.)

30 x High Knees
15 x Crunches
15 x Back Extensions
15 x Push Ups
30 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Burpees
1 Minute Wall Sit

30-45 minute run/row

Core (Do 4-6 circuits.)
15 minute run/row/bike
1 minute plank
1 minute V Sit
30 second side plank
1 minute bridge holding and switching legs out strait every 15 seconds
30 second side plank (Other side.)
1 minute wall sit

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