Tuesday 13 May 2014

Some Important Updates

Hi Crews,
   Some very important updates for you...

   I must have had some typos in the original date chart. Welland is a Saturday/Sunday event as you would have noticed from the last post. Also the London regatta is on May 31st 2014. Please let me know if this changes whether you can make it... I think a couple of you may have Track and Field that weekend, but we can certainly work around that.

   Because we are traveling, athletes will have to show up earlier than normal to get the boats rigged on the Saturday. Athletes will also be responsible to derigging and loading boats on Sunday after their race. The more efficiently we can get this done the better. (We need crew cooperation!) 

   The Club Captain, Mark has asked that the trailer for Welland be loaded this Thursday night. We will get this done during our shift Thursday, and we will have no practice on Friday.

   IDs are mandatory from here on out at regattas. This could be your student card, passport, health car or driver's license if you are so lucky. If you do not have one of these, then you need to get to the office and get your student card NOW!

   Weigh-ins are also mandatory at all regattas. I will post weigh in times for crews. If you are in an Open-weight boat, you do not have to weight in, but your coxie will still have to.

   I will not be here this weekend so you will have to rely on the rest of the Eden coaching staff for the operations of the day of. Mike Petrychanko will be taking care of the administrative stuff. Kait DeCaire, Casey Lehtovaara and Tiffany Rusch will be there to assist in the operation.


*May 17-18
SNRC High School Invitational Regatta
May 31
Sam and Doug Wells Invitational Regatta
*June 6-8
CSSRA Championships Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*Events most likely to have full crew participation.

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