Tuesday 4 February 2014

February 4th Updates

Hey Crew,

   Some Updates about upcoming events.

Rudernkrieg Indoor Rowing Competition at Eden - Saturday February 15th

   This is a mandatory event for all athletes. (Unless I have had parent contact.) This is a big event for us and all athletes are required to participate as athletes and as volunteers. I'm not going to charge our athletes for this event, but I do expect help running it.

Ontario Indoor Rowing Championship at Ridley College - Saturday March 1st

   This is a mandatory event, and a great experience. Cost is $15. Originally I was going to sign everyone up for this event, but I am now thinking it will be easier for everyone if the athletes/parents do it for themselves. I will send out an e-mail to parents outlining this process.

March Break - March 10th-14th

   This will be getting close to on-water season so keeping up on conditioning is important. Nothing is solid yet, but I would like to have a similar routine as we had during exam break. More information to come closer to dates.

Swim Test - Thursday March 20th

   Swim test is mandatory for all athletes per St. Catharines Rowing Club regulations. The test is outlined in the SCRC handbook found in the links under the blog's banner. You must pass this test to get on the water. We will do this after school at the YMCA. I believe the cost is $3, but I will have more information closer to date.

As always, please e-mail with any questions or concerns.

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