Friday 12 April 2013

Junior Boys Rowing Practice

Good afternoon everyone,
Today we had a little more rain and wind than we would have liked. Thank you to those who showed up to practice. A quick reminder is that unless you are told otherwise, you are to arrive to regularly scheduled practices. Do not go by your gut feelings, or rumours. Simply look at the blog or talk to your coach. We did have other plans for the morning, but told the three who showed up today to just go home, as the others made that decision for themselves.

Tomorrow morning we are still taking out the Quad (and Colleen if you would like) at 6am. That means that we want to be pushing off the dock at 6am, not just arriving. Plan to be off the water by 7am, as I have other commitments tomorrow, thus making it essential that we don't lose any time waiting for latecomers.

Have a great afternoon and evening. See you in the morning.

Mr. Vanderlee

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