Wednesday 10 April 2013

Update April 10th

Hi crew. Just a couple of reminders

1)  The whether has been less than ideal. I don't know what's going on with the Boys (+ Colleen.) program, but I have cancelled practice for the Jr. Girls (+ Brad.) for the next couple of days. Be prepared to resume practice Friday. We will discuss Saturday then. Jr. Boys, keep in communication with your coaches.

2)  Get Registered! (Details Below.)

3)  Today I received the chapel attendance for the rowing program. Some of you are at risk of being pulled from rowing. It is part of the school rules that you must attend chapel regularly to participate in extra curricular activities. I would hate to pull some one from the crew because of this, so go to chapel!

4)  I hope that everyone has racing gear available for racing season. (Please let us know if there are any issues.) I got the invoices today, but I haven't looked at them yet.

5)  We need to stay on top of our life jacket chores. We're a new program and I would like to fly under the radar as much as possible.

If i think of anything else I will post it to the blog.

Things are running pretty good so far, so let's keep it up. I know that the beginning of the season can be very discouraging, but I encourage you to persevere.  

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