Friday 7 March 2014

March Break Madness

Hi Crew,

   First off, congrats to all who competed at the Ontario Ergometer Championship last Saturday. We had some great success; Colleen G won her category! Both Matt F and Brent C placed in the top 10 of their categories, which is a huge accomplishment for novices! Aside from that, our program was represented well, and I am proud of everyone's personal accomplishments so far this season. 

   Since we had little interest in doing an organized training schedule over the break, you will be responsible to keep up your conditioning on your own. I know it can be hard to keep motivation up, but our competitors are working hard over the break and so should we. Your coaches are busy organizing the program for water season. Keep posted next week for rowing fee, club registration, swim test and uniform information, I hope to have it up Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning.

   There will be no Brock Tank on March 8th or 15th, we will let you know when your next session is after the break.

March Break Workouts (Check the 'Video Resources' section of the blog for Pilates and Yoga workouts.) Get a variety of exercises in.   

Calisthenics (Do 4-6 circuits.)
20 minute run/row/bike
15 x Leg Raises
15 x Squats (Touch floor.)

30 x High Knees
15 x Crunches
15 x Back Extensions
15 x Push Ups
30 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Burpees
1 Minute Wall Sit

30-60 minute run/row/bike

Core (Do 4-6 circuits.)
20 minute run/row/bike
1 minute plank
1.5 minute V Sit
30 second side plank
1 minute bridge holding and switching legs out strait every 15 seconds
30 second side plank (Other side.)
1 minute wall sit

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