Wednesday 11 June 2014

Summer Rowing Opportunities

Hello Crews,

   Just a reminder that it is not too late to sign up for summer rowing with the St. Catharines Rowing Club. I would recommend it to all who would like to get competitive in the sport. (The more of you in the crew that participate the better, so bring your friends.) It is a great opportunity to get lots of on-water training with some of the club's best coaches, lots of racing, and a chance to row with athletes from other schools. There will be a mandatory erg test at Eden on Friday.

SCRC Program Head's Contacts
  • Junior B (Under 17) Men - Meredith Petrychanko
  • Junior B (Under 17) Women - Mark 'Tex' Thomas
  • Junior A (Under 19) Men - Mike Petrychanko
  • Junior A (Under 19) Women - Kathy Boyes
   For those who can not commit to rowing 6 days a week but would like a chance to get a bit of rowing in during the summer, Brock University offers a Youth Sculling School

   "The Youth Sculling School is a 5 day rowing camp intended for students between the ages of 13 to 19 with an interest in rowing. Athletes get an opportunity rowing in a large variety of boats and improve on their sculling skills before the high school rowing season begins."

   More information can be found here: Brock Rowing Camps. There will also be an information booth on the compound during this weekend's races.

Have a good summer, and stay fit! See you in November!

Thursday 5 June 2014


Hi Crews,

   Here are the event listings for Friday and Saturday's races. Please show up 2 hours before your event, but crews with weight restrictions and coxies must weigh in during weigh in times. (Weigh-in times listed below.) As usual we must do this as a crew, and IDs are required. It will be VERY busy, so please give yourself ample time to make it to the club. 

Friday Heats
10:03 : Event   4 : Jr. W Open 4+ : Lane 3
10:45 : Event   6 : Sr. W 63kg 1x : Lane 4
12:02 : Event 15 : Sr. M 72kg 2x : Lane 3
  1:47 : Event 21 : Sr. W 63kg 2x : Lane 2
  4:59 : Event 33 : Sr. W Open 2x: Lane 5

Saturday Semi Finals
  9:36 : Event   6 : Sr. W 63kg 1x : Lane 6
10:00 : Event   7 : Jr. M 72kg 4+  : Lane 5
11:30 : Event 13 : Jr. M 66kg 4+  : Lane 5
11:36 : Event 14 : Jr. W 63kg 8+ : Lane 7
  2:06 : Event 21 : Sr. W 63kg 2x : Lane 2
  3:12 : Event 26 : Jr. W Open 8+ : Lane 3
  3:30 : Event 28 : Jr. W 59kg 4+ : Lane 3
  4:18 : Event 32 : Jr. M 72kg 8+ : Lane 3
  4:36 : Event 33 : Sr. W Open 2x: Lane 6

Sunday Finals
11:52 : Event 6 : Sr. W 63kg 1x : Lane 6

Weigh-in times
Friday - 7am-11am
Saturday - 6:30am-10:30am
Sunday - 7:15am-8:30am

                                         Are your hands looking like this yet?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Final Countdown

Hello Crews,

   Schoolboy starts Friday and marks the end of the season. Information about the event can be found on their official website: . The preliminary draw is already posted to the site underneath the banner. If you do not race Friday, you will have the opportunity to come down to the island to cheer on your school... with your parent's permission. Photo IDs are 100% checked at both weigh-ins and at the dock before racing. It will be very busy, so leave yourself lots of time to get down to the club.

   I have forgot to mention on here that there is a St. Catharines Rowing Club meeting tonight (Tuesday.) at 5:00pm for those who are interested in rowing for the club this summer. I would recommend it to all who would like to get competitive in the sport. It is a great opportunity to get lots of on-water training, lots of racing, and get to know and row with athletes from other schools. If you miss the meeting, the club will have an information booth set up on the compound during the races this weekend. 

   For those who can not commit to rowing 6 days a week but would like a chance to get a bit of rowing in during the summer, Brock University offers a Youth Sculling School

   "The Youth Sculling School is a 5 day rowing camp intended for student between the ages of 13 to 19 with an interest in rowing. Athletes get an opportunity rowing in a large variety of boats and improve on their sculling skills before the high school rowing season begins."

   More information can be found here: Brock Rowing Camps. There will also be an information booth on the compound during this weekend's races.

Friday 30 May 2014

London Regatta

Hi Crews,

   IDs are required for weigh-ins and to race. The web site does not clarify weigh-in times. 

   The official draw has still not been posted. I am going to post the times that I have from the draft... this means that there is a possibility of change. I realize that you all want to make plans, but these times are subject to change. Athletes need to be there 2 hours before your event, but no earlier than 6:30am and no later than 8:30am.

HERE IS THE LINK TO THE OFFICIAL DRAW   Please check this link Friday night to make sure that times have not changed.



  8:08 AM : Event   2 : Senior Men Double
  8:24 AM : Event   3 : Junior Women Four with Cox
10:00 AM : Event 18 : Junior Women Eight
10:08 AM : Event 18 : Junior Women Eight
10:32 AM : Event 21 : Junior Women 63kg Four with Cox
10:48 AM : Event 22 : Senior Women Double


  1:00 PM : Event   1 : Junior Men Four with Cox  (With Andreas)
  1:10 PM : Event   2 : Senior Men Double
  1:20 PM : Event   3 : Junior Women Four with Cox
  2:50 PM : Event 12 : Junior Men Eight (With Connor)
  3:50 PM : Event 18 : Junior Women Eight
  4:20 PM : Event  21: Junior Women 63kg Four with Cox
  4:30 PM : Event  22: Senior Women Double
  4:40 PM : Event  23: Junior Men 72kg Four with Cox (With Connor)

Boats need to be de-rigged and put on the trailer before athletes can leave for home.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

London Entries

Hi Crews,

   London is on Saturday. Similar to the Welland regatta, we will be derigging on Thursday after school/Friday morning. On Saturday, athletes will have to be there early with ID in hand to weigh-in and get the boats rigged. We are bringing more boats so getting there early is important. We will have to rig the boats back up some time Sunday, we can talk about the time for this later.

   I would suggest working out a car-pool in the next couple of days. I have heard that there are some families staying the Friday night in London. Depending on the schedule, athletes may have to be at the club as early as 6:00am.

   Below I have posted our entries with the event numbers. Event numbers can give you an idea when events may take place, but some events may have heats while others do not. The official draw will not be out until closer to the day.

Friday 23 May 2014

Junior girl breakfast at Rosies.

Hey crew,

To anyone that wants to come,
A bunch of us will be at Rosie's tomorrow for breakfast before practice. Meet us at 10:30!

Thursday 15 May 2014

SNRC (Welland) High School Inviitational Draw and More

Hi Crews,

   Lots of important information... I know it's a long read, but I assure you it is all important.

   I will not be there this weekend so crews will be led by Kait DeCaire, Casey Lehtovaara, Mike Petrychanko and Tiffany Rusch.

   IDs are mandatory to weigh-in and to race! If you do not have photo ID, you and your crew can not race!! (Tell your Facebook friends!) Crews with weight restrictions and all coxies need to weigh-in. This is standard for all races from now on.

   Coxies, please take a look at the course map to familiarize yourself with the layout. Talk to your coaches about getting up and in to the gates.

   You may want to bring a tent for the day you are racing. Eve's mom said she would bring a kitchen tent. Crews on Saturday will probably want to do the same thing... there is no shade or shelter!

MAP TO SOUTH NIAGARA ROWING CLUB There will be parking at the old John Deere factory, or at the finish line for $5. 

Weigh‐In Times and Regulations* 
Saturday, May 19th 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 
Sunday, May 20th 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 
*Official weigh‐in times will be posted in various locations at the regatta site 
1. All coxswains, lightweight and midweight competitors must weigh in each day they race. 
2. Athletes must weigh in as a crew and be accompanied by a coach during weigh‐in. 
3. In the case of any dispute the clerk of the scales will communicate only with the crew’s coach or school official. 
4. All rowers and coxswains will weigh‐in wearing the same school rowing uniforms. No one will be weighed in wearing more or less clothing. 
5. Official scales will be available at 6:00 a.m. for practice weigh‐ins. 
6. All weights for coxswains requiring extra weight will be supplied at the scales and will be the only weights recognized by weigh‐in officials.

Draw for Eden Crews

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Junior women, please show up by 8:00am to rig the boat and get weighed-in.
Junior men, please show up by 8:30am to help rig and get weighed-in.

10:00am : Event 09 : Senior Womens 63kg 1x
10:30am : Event 11 : Junior Womens 63kg 8+ (Lightweights.)
12:45pm : Event 16 : Senior Womens 63kg 2x
12:57pm : Event 17 : Junior Mens 72kg 8+

02:45pm : Event 09 : Senior Womens 63kg 1x
03:12pm : Event 11 : Junior Womens 63kg 8+ (Lightweights.)
03:57pm : Event 16 : Senior Womens 63kg 2x
04:06pm : Event 17 : Junior Mens 72kg 8+

Sunday, May 18, 2014
Junior women, please show up up at 7:00am. You will have to de-rig the boat and load it on to the trailer after your races are done.

08:18am : Event 21 : Senior Womens 2x
08:30am : Event 22 : Junior Womens 8+ (Open Weights.)
11:06am : Event 31 : Senior Mens 1x
12:20pm : Event 35 : Senior Mens 72kg 2x

01:41pm : Event 21 : Senior Womens 2x
01:50pm : Event 22 : Junior Womens 8+ (Open Weights.)
03:11pm : Event 31 : Senior Mens 1x
03:47pm : Event 35 : Senior Mens 72kg 2x

Official Draw can be found HERE.

   I need a group of athletes to show up at 10:00am on Monday to get the boat off of the trailer and rigged. If this doesn't happen, we are not going to any more travel regattas. (London)

   I wish I could be there. Good luck to everyone and stay safe! FLYERS!!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Some Important Updates

Hi Crews,
   Some very important updates for you...

   I must have had some typos in the original date chart. Welland is a Saturday/Sunday event as you would have noticed from the last post. Also the London regatta is on May 31st 2014. Please let me know if this changes whether you can make it... I think a couple of you may have Track and Field that weekend, but we can certainly work around that.

   Because we are traveling, athletes will have to show up earlier than normal to get the boats rigged on the Saturday. Athletes will also be responsible to derigging and loading boats on Sunday after their race. The more efficiently we can get this done the better. (We need crew cooperation!) 

   The Club Captain, Mark has asked that the trailer for Welland be loaded this Thursday night. We will get this done during our shift Thursday, and we will have no practice on Friday.

   IDs are mandatory from here on out at regattas. This could be your student card, passport, health car or driver's license if you are so lucky. If you do not have one of these, then you need to get to the office and get your student card NOW!

   Weigh-ins are also mandatory at all regattas. I will post weigh in times for crews. If you are in an Open-weight boat, you do not have to weight in, but your coxie will still have to.

   I will not be here this weekend so you will have to rely on the rest of the Eden coaching staff for the operations of the day of. Mike Petrychanko will be taking care of the administrative stuff. Kait DeCaire, Casey Lehtovaara and Tiffany Rusch will be there to assist in the operation.


*May 17-18
SNRC High School Invitational Regatta
May 31
Sam and Doug Wells Invitational Regatta
*June 6-8
CSSRA Championships Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*Events most likely to have full crew participation.

Sunday 11 May 2014

SNRC Invite (Welland) Regatta Saturday/Sunday Breakdown

The schedule will be out closer to the weekend, but for those trying to make plans for one of the days...

Saturday, May 17, 2014
09 Senior Womens 63kg 1x
11 Junior Womens 63kg 8+ (Lightweights.)
16 Senior Womens 63kg 2x
17 Junior Mens 72kg 8+

Sunday, May 18, 2014
21 Senior Womens 2x
22 Junior Womens 8+ (Open Weights.)
24 Junior Mens 1x
31 Senior Mens 1x
35 Senior Mens 72kg 2x

Heats if necessary will run in the morning of each day of racing.v

Friday 9 May 2014

Mothers Day Draw

   Please show up an hour and a half before your race, but no earlier than 7:00am. They are asking us to wear uniforms, they will be ready for pickup at Regatta Sport on Saturday. Bring your rowing sweatshirt just in case. There will be no weigh-ins for this regatta. Please bring your student card just in case they would like to see ID. 

  8:30 AM   6 Senior Women 63 Kg Single Heat A
  8:48 AM   7 Junior Men 72 Kg Four With Coxswain Heat B
  9:18 AM 12 Junior Men 1x Heat B
  9:30 AM 14 Junior Women 63kg 8+ Heat B (Lightweights)
  9:36 AM 15 Senior Men 72kg 2x Heat A
10:30 AM 21 Senior Women 63kg 2x Heat A
11:30 AM 26 Junior Women 8+ Heat A (Open Weights)
12:06 PM 30 Senior Men 72kg 1x Heat A
12:30 PM 33 Senior Women 2x Heat C


1:35 PM   6 Senior Women 63 Kg Single Final
1:42 PM   7 Junior Men 72 Kg Four With Coxswain Final
2:17 PM 12 Junior Men 1x Final
2:24 PM 13 Junior Men 66kg 4+ Strait to Final
2:31 PM 14 Junior Women 63kg 8+ Final
2:38 PM 15 Senior Men 72kg 2x Final
3:20 PM 21 Senior Women 63kg 2x Final
3:55 PM 26 Junior Women 8+ Final
4:23 PM 30 Senior Men 72kg 1x Final
4:44 PM 33 Senior Women 2x Final

Thursday 8 May 2014

Tag Day Schedule

Please look at previous post for more information on Tag Day. Here is the schedule for Saturday, I have made some slight changes, so if they don't work, please let me know ASAP. I will give out the donation boxes along with an information and contact sheet on Friday after practice. Thank you all for your time in participating in this. I will post the Mothers Day draw as soon as I get it. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

Giant Tiger Scott Street
  9:00am - 11:00am  Dain, Connor VT
11:00am -   1:00pm  Lauren H, Maddy Di, Lauren D
  1:00pm -   3:00pm  Kayla, Grayson, Cailen
  3:00pm -   5:00pm  Grace, Amanda, Sarah

Giant Tiger Welland Ave.
  9:00am - 11:00am  Rebecca, Jake, Josh
11:00am -   1:00pm  Claudette, Kennedy, Maddy Dz, Jill, Belinda
  1:00pm -   3:00pm  Mike D, Matt, Jake
  3:00pm -   5:00pm  Andreas, Connor, Ben

Rona Dunkirk Rd.
  9:00am - 11:00am  Eve, Zoe
11:00am -   1:00pm  Alison, Cassie
  1:00pm -   3:00pm  Mike S, Cameron
  3:00pm -   5:00pm  George, Becki, Carlie

Thursday 1 May 2014

Tag Day *Important*

Hi Crew,

    Tag day is coming up. For experienced athletes, you are familiar with this. This is an important fund raiser for the club that you are all members of. We have 3 locations this year: Giant Tiger on Welland Ave., Giant Tiger on Scott St., and Rona on Dunkirk Rd.. I will make up a sign up sheet for 2 hour shifts between 9:00am and 5:00 pm. If you have a job or event that day, please tell me ASAP so that I can work around that first. I will have information sheets with contact information on the day of the event. Tag Day is mandatory for all athletes and there will be no rowing that day for any high school program. Below is the e-mail I got from the club directed to you.



TAG DAY is the Club’s only annual fundraiser – the money raised supports your High School Program and helps to buy and maintain the equipment you use every day. We must have your help and participation!! The more athletes that agree to TAG, the less time each one will have to put in. Last year you over raised $12,000 –let’s top that this year


• Your participation is not an option it is required – except under very special circumstances – talk to your coach.

• You are representing your school AND the St. Catharines Rowing Club – please take care with language, and general behavior etc. and be friendly!!

• Wear your school crew jacket or rowing shirt etc. to identify your self as a member of your school’s rowing team – if you don’t have one – BORROW from a friend - please no torn jeans or very short shorts etc.!

• Tag only outside the store or location where you are assigned and do not block doorways, hallways etc.

• Open doors for people who may have strollers, or people with lots of parcels, the elderly etc.

• You may ask people for their support just don’t be pushy!

• Even if they say “NO”, say “thank you” – they may change their mind!

• Be prepared to tell people that the money you are raising supports youth and high school rowing.

• Concentrate on the people leaving a store – they may be more likely to buy.

• Make sure you have a contact number for your coach or call one of the numbers below if you run into any problems.

• If for any reason you are not comfortable with someone who approaches you – IMMEDIATELY go inside the store, contact the Manager, your coach and one of the numbers below.

• No athlete is to take a tag box home – if the last pick-up seems to be late – call one of the numbers at the bottom of the page or your coach – do not leave until your box has been picked up.


Contacts for TAG DAY 2014

Louise Hastings: Tag Day Chair : 416-930-8710
Michelle Kerr: SCRC President: 905-650.7032

Thursday 24 April 2014

Early Bird Regatta

Hi Crew,

   Sunday April 27th marks our first race of the season with the Early Bird Regatta. This regatta is meant to ease crews in to the racing season. For our novice crews this gives us an opportunity to go through the motions of racing for the first time.

   Please show up an hour and a half before your race. (The first 2 crews to race should be there for 7:30am.) There will be no weigh-ins for this regatta.

*Times are approximate depending on the speed of events.

  8:30 : event   1 : Jr Men 4+ : Eden's Pride : lane 7
  8:50 : event   3 : Sr Men 2x : Helper's Spirit : lane 2
  9:30 : event   7 : Jr Men 72kg 4+ : Eden's Pride : lane 2
11:00 : event 21 : Sr Women 63kg 2x : Bonnie Manoogian : lane 6
11:10 : event 31 : Sr Women 59kg 4+ : Eden's Pride : lane 4
11:40 : event 26 : Jr Women 8+ : Jasper : lane 2
12:10 : event 29 : Jr Women 63kg 8+ : Jasper : lane 7
12:20 : event 33 : Sr Women 2x : Eden Girl : lane 5

   Novice crews should watch the video linked below ASAP to better understand the skills we worked on today. Click link below.

                               How to Enter the Start Gates

   Just a reminder of the season's race dates. If you are unable to make a race, your coach needs to know ASAP.


*Apr 27
Early Bird Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*May 10
Tag Day
St. Catharines
*May 11
Mother's Day Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
May 16-17
Stotesbury Cup Regatta
Philadelphia, PA
*May 16-17
High School Invitational Regatta
May 24
Sam and Doug Wells Invitational Regatta
*June 6-8
CSSRA Championships Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*Events most likely to have full crew participation.

   I Would like to take some junior crews to London, but this would depend on coach availability, and crew attitude. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Friday April 11th

Junior Crews,

   Since we had to cancel practice due to weather on Thursday, we will have a practice on Friday the 11th. We will also be having practice on Saturday April 12th; We have a 12-2 shift. We will talk about the possibility of a Monday Practice.

   See you tomorrow!

Friday 4 April 2014

On the Water

Hi Crew,

   This week we got out on the water. A reminder to all, that the weather is still very cold, so dress appropriately... toques gloves and winter coats are a smart idea.Wear layers, you can always take a layer off.

   Juniors, the weather on Saturday is not looking so hot, so we will not be practicing again until Tuesday. If you would like to help out on Monday with some boat rigging, you are very welcome to come out and help.


Saturday 29 March 2014


Hi Crew,

 Just a reminder that we will not be down at the rowing club until everyone is paid up and we get clearance that it is safe.

   Next week is practice as usual unless notified otherwise.

   We will have a very important meeting Monday after school. All must be there, it wont be too long.

   Please get you rowing fees in Monday, or else we will have to start modifying crews to accommodate those who are actually committed to a 5 day practice schedule. 

   There are still issues with the SCRC registration. Please register with Rowing Canada, and we will work out SCRC registration when we can.


Friday 21 March 2014

SCRC Registration *UPDATED

I have received a few e-mails regarding registration for the St. Catharines Rowing Club. Apparently it is causing difficulties.

* I have received a bunch of registration confirmations, and word from parents that it is back up working. Please give it another try if you have not been able to complete it successful. If it is being fickle, please be patient.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Swim Test

The pool and transportation has been booked for the swim test. The swim test is mandatory for all athletes each year, so attendance is mandatory.

Wednesday March 26th we have the Kiwanis Pool booked from 7am-8am. Parents should drop off their athletes by 6:45am so we can be in the pool by 7:00am. I have a bus booked to pick up our athletes at 8:30am from the pool and take them to the school.

I will take the cost of this out of the Rowing Fees since it will be less than $5 per athlete.  

Location of the Kiwanis Centre can be found HERE.


Each athlete will prepare for the test by wearing: Bathing Suit, T-shirt, Socks, Sweat Pants, and Sweat Shirt

Each athlete will complete all of the following steps:
1. On direction, enter the pool wearing all of the above clothing.
2. Tread water for three minutes without touching the bottom or side walls.
3. Remove sweatpants, sweatshirt and socks can be removed at the participant’s discretion.
4. Once the appropriate clothes have been removed, continue treading water for another three minutes.
5. After successfully treading water for three minutes, put on an approved life preserver, tuck knees to chest with face up, and hold this position for two minutes.
6. After successfully putting on the life jacket and continuing to tread water swim to the opposite side of the pool (one width) and exit.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Novice Athlete Orientation

All novice athletes will be at the St. Catharines Rowing Club on Monday March 24th from 3:30-5:00pm for orientation.

Dress warm!! It will be cold. You can always choose not to wear a layer, but if you're cold, there is no where to warm up.

Athletes will run to the club from the school. (BE SAFE! It is advised to use only one earbud, and use common sense when navigating roads and sidewalks.) I will have my truck at the school to bring your bags down for you. Parents will have to pick up their athletes from the club at 5:00pm.

Junior Women and Men, our shift is 3:30-5pm at the club once registration is complete, and the water is deemed safe by the club captain. Seniors, you will be practicing during the morning 5:30-7am shift.

Please look at my last post for important registration details.

I am still working on swim test details. Keep tuned.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Moving in to Water Season

Hi Crew,

   With all this snow on the ground, it seems hard to believe, but we are moving in to the water season. There is some house keeping we need to get done before we move forward.

Rowing Fees

   I will make up and send out an information sheet on payment and expectations for water season. This year Eden Rowing Club fees will be $375 - cheques can be made payable to Eden High School. I will need this money in by March 26th at the latest, but the earlier the better. This has gone up $25 from last year as there was a SCRC club fee increase, and we just barely made our budget last year. Money pays SCRC fees, race entry fees, and other misc. costs for the water season. (I.E. Trailer fees for transporting equipment, minor repairs on equipment, etc.) Money raised from fundraising such as Rudernkrieg are saved for large purchases such as boats, oars and cox boxes.


   All athletes and coaches need to register with both the St. Catharines Rowing Club and Rowing Canada before getting on the water. This must be done with Internet Explorer.

Click below for links.  
St. Catharines Rowing Club Registration (Follow the promts.)
Rowing Canada Registration (You are registering under St. Catharines Rowing Club.)

Swim Test

   I am currently trying to find a time to book to do the swim test. I have called and the YMCA is not available on Thursday March 20 from 3:30-4:30. I am working on finding another solution. Please be patient as I find how best to get this done as a group.

Race Uniform

   All athletes who race are required to wear an Eden Unisuit or Unitop. If you need to get one, they can be ordered from Regatta Sport at the link found below.

Regatta Sport - Iteam Orders  

  • Select 'Eden Rowing' from the drop down menu.
  • Password is EDEN14
  • OPTIONAL spirit wear is also available there. Long sleeve racing top is NOT needed.
  • If you are unsure of your size, please visit the Regatta Sport retail store on Main St. Port Dalhousie for fitting. (Especially those tank tops!)
  • Orders can be made until March 23rd, after that the site will close.

Safety Videos

   All athletes will have to watch the Rowing Club safety videos. We will set that up with your coaches and do it during a practice time. Curious Parents can watch the safety video which is linked under the Eden Rowing Blog banner, and linked HERE.

   That's all for now. I hope you are all keeping up with your conditioning... maybe some snow shoveling. See you Monday. As always, please e-mail with any questions.

Awesome video to get you motivated for water, especially for our novices who still aren't sure what it's all about. This is our goal:

Dates Again:


*Apr 27
Early Bird Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*May 10
Tag Day
St. Catharines
*May 11
Mother's Day Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
May 16-17
Stotesbury Cup Regatta
Philadelphia, PA
*May 16-17
High School Invitational Regatta
May 24
Sam and Doug Wells Invitational Regatta
*June 6-8
CSSRA Championships Regatta
Martindale Pond, St. Catharines
*Events most likely to have full crew participation.


Friday 7 March 2014

March Break Madness

Hi Crew,

   First off, congrats to all who competed at the Ontario Ergometer Championship last Saturday. We had some great success; Colleen G won her category! Both Matt F and Brent C placed in the top 10 of their categories, which is a huge accomplishment for novices! Aside from that, our program was represented well, and I am proud of everyone's personal accomplishments so far this season. 

   Since we had little interest in doing an organized training schedule over the break, you will be responsible to keep up your conditioning on your own. I know it can be hard to keep motivation up, but our competitors are working hard over the break and so should we. Your coaches are busy organizing the program for water season. Keep posted next week for rowing fee, club registration, swim test and uniform information, I hope to have it up Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning.

   There will be no Brock Tank on March 8th or 15th, we will let you know when your next session is after the break.

March Break Workouts (Check the 'Video Resources' section of the blog for Pilates and Yoga workouts.) Get a variety of exercises in.   

Calisthenics (Do 4-6 circuits.)
20 minute run/row/bike
15 x Leg Raises
15 x Squats (Touch floor.)

30 x High Knees
15 x Crunches
15 x Back Extensions
15 x Push Ups
30 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Burpees
1 Minute Wall Sit

30-60 minute run/row/bike

Core (Do 4-6 circuits.)
20 minute run/row/bike
1 minute plank
1.5 minute V Sit
30 second side plank
1 minute bridge holding and switching legs out strait every 15 seconds
30 second side plank (Other side.)
1 minute wall sit

Thursday 27 February 2014

Ontario Ergometer Championship *Updated to include official draw!

Hi Crew,
   Sorry I was a bit slow to post this stuff, but I have been a bit under the weather.

   We have the Ontario Erg Championships coming up on Saturday. Posted below is the poster/waiver that includes estimated times. You will need to print and sign a copy of the waiver, and bring to registration the morning of the event.

   Official event time draws can be found *HERE*  <=== click there.

   I have also posted the invoice for entries. I have paid for the event, but I am still waiting on a few, mostly seniors to get money in to me. If you have not been signed up, but would like to go, you can try to come the morning of the event to see if you can get in to a spot, but there is no guarantee. (Rebecca K and Connor VT, I have seen that you have paid online. Connor R and Bent C, I have you registered, but you will have to pay $15 cash the day of the event.)

   You will need to show up at least an hour before your event. (Junior women can show up a little after 7:30 since you won't have to weigh-in.) This is a large event, and you will need to be registered and weighed in well before your event so you can get settled in and warm up. The event is in the same building we were at for the friendly Ridley Dual Meet we had last week.

As always, e-mail me with any questions.